Bringing audiences back to Stratford as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our focus has been reopening the RSC to live in-person audiences in a way that people feel comfortable and confident to come back to the town and enjoy our productions. Our solution has been to create an outdoor performance space, believing it to be a great way to draw people back to the town and to the RSC as we continue to recover from the impact of pandemic.
We are enormously grateful to Lydia and Manfred Gorvy for their donations towards the creation of the Garden Theatre in Stratford this summer. The Garden Theatre has been made possible through the government’s Culture Recovery Fund and our funders and supporters. The Comedy of Errors is supported by Charles Holloway and Darwin Escapes who had planned to support the production last year and have continued their support.
The budget for this season is complex, created in a time of constant change and with a range of unavoidably shifting assumptions reflecting current covid uncertainties. For this reason we are not sharing any detailed financial information.