- Recap Macbeth’s relationship with Macduff so far by asking the following questions (slide):
What did the First Apparition tell Macbeth? (To ’Beware Macduff’)
Where is Macduff (He fled to England)
What did Macbeth say he would do when he heard where Macduff had gone? (Kill Macduff’s wife and children)
Explain that you are going to jump to England and find out what Macduff is up to.
Ask students what they remember about Malcolm. Play Malcolm Dramatis Personae video as a reminder. (He is King Duncan’s eldest son. He ran away to England as soon as he heard his father had been murdered)
Organise students into pairs and ask them to be Malcolm and Macduff.
Explain that you will play Ross and put on the ‘Thane of Ross’ sash.
As ‘Ross’, enter and greet the pairs as Malcolm and Macduff. Sign/say that you have come from Scotland where things are very bad under Macbeth’s rule. Explain you have some bad news for Macduff and give each pair a copy of ‘Macduff’s News’ from pdf resources and pens. You can also display the message (slide).
Ask each pair to discuss what they think the news is. Ask them to write a caption for each picture in the space provided.
After allowing time for this, ask pairs to share their ideas with the whole class. Ensure the key facts emerge from this discussion that Macbeth has done what he said. He sent murderers to Macduff’s castle in Fife and those murderers killed Lady Macduff and her children and destroyed the castle.
Ask pairs to create a freeze-frame of Malcolm and Macduff showing how they feel when they receive this news.
Discuss what Macduff might want to do next. Perhaps punish Macbeth and stop him hurting anyone else? Perhaps kill him in revenge for the death of his family?