Signing Shakespeare resources and activities for teaching Act 2 of Macbeth

Act 2 Scene 1: Killing the King

In this series of activities, students explore how the Macbeths kill King Duncan and the consequences of this terrible act. Students are introduced to Macbeth’s famous ‘Is this a dagger’ soliloquy and can further consider the effects of metaphor and antithesis. These activities include a film of Macbeth’s soliloquy in BSL or ASL. 

  • EXERCISE 1: Who is sleeping in the Macbeths’ castle?

  • EXERCISE 2: ‘Is this a dagger…?’

  • EXERCISE 3: Macbeth's Footsteps (optional game)

  • EXERCISE 4: The Murder of Duncan


Download Gallery for Act 2 Scenes 1-2 (BSL)

Download Gallery for Act 2 Scenes 1-2 (ASL)

PDF Resources

'Is this a dagger' text for Exercise 2

The Murder of Duncan Exercise 4

Act 2 Scenes 3-4: The king is dead; long live the king! 

In these activities, students explore the complex issue of who knows what and who suspects what in the aftermath of Duncan’s murder. Students explore some of the descriptive language used in the play and the different perspectives of various characters. These activities include a film of a dialogue between Macduff and Ross in BSL and SSE or ASL. 

  • EXERCISE 1: Who was knocking?

  • EXERCISE 2: ’The night has been unruly…’

  • EXERCISE 3: Duncan is dead!

  • EXERCISE 4: Macbeth is king


Download Gallery for Act 2 Scenes 3-4 (BSL)

Download Gallery for Act 2 Scenes 3-4 (ASL)


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