An immersive installation of art, technology, light and sound for you to engage with

The Glasshouse is a high quality convergence of art, technology, light and sound created by the Wayne Sables Project. It is an interactive installation that beckons you to engage with it. As the audience interact with the sculpture, it dynamically recomposes itself depending on their proximity, creating a unique experience every time. 

In this unique display with the RSC, individual smaller Glasshouse structures that have been created by members of the public in workshops will also be displayed alongside the main structure.

Visit 8 - 10 August to see The Glasshouse outside our building.


1701422258942 - James Mulkeen

Create your own Glasshouse

Join The Glasshouse artists in this 90 minute workshop where we will upcycle cut-offs from the perspex used for The Glasshouse structure to create your own miniature Glasshouse to form part of our final showcase.

Suitable for ages 5+ and their parents/ carers. This workshop is designed for parents/ carers and their young people to all take part together.

30 - 31 July
11am, 1.30pm, 3.30pm
Free, booking required.



Conductive Composition Workshop

Join one of the Wayne Sables Project creative team in a 90 minute workshop designed by Nick Lewis, composer for The Glasshouse, where we will explore using conductive elements and recycling sounds to effect composition.

Enjoy creating your own composition that can be affected by touch and proximity using our collection of recycled sounds and effects.

Suitable for ages 5+ and their parents/ carers. This workshop is designed for parents/ carers and their young people to all take part together.

6 August
11am and 12.30pm
Free, booking required

Book now

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Wayne Sables Project are an award winning, film and multi media company specialising in combining the arts and technology within the professional, corporate, community and educational environments.