Every gift, no matter the size, secures transformative experiences of Shakespeare for future generations.

The RSC is a theatre and learning charity and we work with thousands of young people and adults across the UK every year to unlock potential by developing life, language and theatre skills, building self-confidence and enhancing life chances. You can ensure the future of this life changing work is preserved by leaving a gift in your will. 

Young man and young woman laughing together on stage, he seated she kneeling towards him
The Winter's Tale (2021) directed by Erica Whyman
Photo by Topher McGrillis © RSC Browse and license our images

How you can make a difference

Once you have provided for your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift in your will to the RSC. We ask you to reflect on your first experience of Shakespeare and the RSC and consider how these experiences have inspired you and impacted your life. Every gift you make, no matter how big or small, is felt by thousands of young people and adults around the country.

The support of our audiences is vital to secure the future of our work onstage, in the rehearsal rooms and in classrooms around the country with 10% of our philanthropic donations coming from gifts left to us in wills. These gifts are vital to create transformative experiences of Shakespeare. 

Your gift could support:

  • Transformative productions of Shakespeare's work in Stratford-upon-Avon, London and around the world. 
  • Our education work across the nation both in person in workshops and online resources in the Shakespeare Learning Zone. 
  • Groundbreaking digital development work leading on from Dream in 2021.

How to leave a gift in your will

Did you know you can phone your solicitor with our charity name and registered charity number and ask to leave 1% of your estate to us or a fixed amount? It can be done in less than a minute.   


Let us know if you are leaving a gift in your will

If you are planning to remember us in your will, or would like more information about doing so, please let us know. We would love to be in touch with you and keep you informed about the work we’re doing and invite you to our Benefactors' Circle events.  

You can fill in the form below or contact Eleanor on eleanor.teasdale@rsc.org.uk or call 01789 272234.

Remember The RSC in your Will
    Contact Details:

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  • Planning Your Legacy

  • Are you happy to be contacted by a member of our team via:
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I agree to the collection, processing, and use of my personal data (name, phone number, address, and email address) as outlined in the privacy policy. This data will be used to contact me for any matters in relation to this form (Leaving a Gift in your will) and for any other purposes outlined in the privacy policy. I understand I can withdraw my consent at any time by emailing support@rsc.org.uk.
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