
Here is a more detailed look at what happens in each scene of Henry V, to help you look at the structure of the play and interrogate it.

As you look at each act we’ve included some things to notice. These are important character developments, or key questions that an acting company might ask when they first go through the play together at the start of rehearsal. If you work through these as you go, they will help you to make sense of the play. It’s a good idea to have a copy of the play nearby!

  • Act 1

    Act 1 Prologue

    The play opens with a single character, the Chorus, calling for a 'muse of fire' to help create the huge story about to be told. The Chorus apologises to the audience that the theatre, the Wooden O they are in, is too limited to show the proper size and power of the drama. The audience must use their individual imaginations to bring the play to life.

    What do we Learn?

    • The story is so big and dramatic that an ordinary theatre and actors aren’t enough to tell it.
    • The Chorus needs the audience to work with the actors to help create the scale of the drama.

    Act 1 Scene 1

    The Bishops of Canterbury and Ely are worried that the church will lose a lot of money if a new law is passed. Canterbury has offered Henry money to fund a war with France, in the hope that he might forget the law. They list King Henry’s good points and discuss how he has changed, almost miraculously, from the 'wildness' of his youth to a King 'full of grace and fair regard'. Canterbury says that Henry wants to know if he has a right to the French throne. The men leave to attend a meeting with Henry and the French ambassadors.

    What do we Learn?

    • The bishops are concerned about the possibility of losing money.
    • The bishops believe Henry’s character has changed for the better since he became King.
    • Henry wants to claim the French Crown.

    Act 1 Scene 2

    Before Henry sees the French ambassadors, he demands to know if his claim to the French throne is legal. Canterbury explains at great length how Henry’s claim is 'as clear as the summer’s sun', unlike the French who have misused the law to keep him off the throne. The bishops, together with Dukes Essex and Westmoreland, urge Henry to go to war with France, reminding him of the glory of his ancestors by referring to them as 'the former lions of your blood'. They reassure his fears of a Scottish invasion if his troops leave England undefended. The French ambassadors enter with a gift from the Dauphin, the King’s son. He has sent Henry a box of tennis balls, his way of mocking his reckless youth. Henry remains polite but tells the ambassadors that he will turn the tennis balls into 'Gun-stones' and 'play a set' that will 'strike' the crown of France 'into the hazard'. He sends them back with this message and appeals to God to help him against the French.

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry has a legal claim to the French throne.
    • The church, Essex and Westmoreland all support war with France.
    • Henry will only consider war if it is legal and fair.
    • The Dauphin does not think Henry is a threat.

    Things to Notice in Act 1

    • Take note of how the Chorus introduces the play and the details that are picked out in the opening prologue. The Chorus appears multiple times throughout the play. Why do you think Shakespeare chose to use this device? What are the most important pieces of information that the Chorus offers the audience?

    • Notice the way Ely and Canterbury talk to each other. Why do they want Henry to go to war so soon after he has become King? What motivates these two men? Shakespeare also uses these characters to introduce the new King, before we have even met him. What impression do they offer of young King Henry?

    • Note the reactions of the different characters when Henry opens the gift from the young French Dauphin. How can you tell that Henry is insulted by the gift of tennis balls? How do the other members of his court react and do you think it is important that this is such a public moment?

    • Act 1 is important because it sets up the situation in England, before Henry declares war against France – showing the audience some of the reasons for his decision. How influential do you think Canterbury is in Henry’s decision to fight in France? How does the Dauphin’s childish gift of tennis balls affect Henry and what makes you think that?

  • Act 2

    Act 2 Prologue

    The Chorus paints a patriotic image of the people of England, telling the audience that its youth are 'on fire' to be at war with France and 'every man' thinks of honour. However, we are warned that not every Englishman is 'kind and natural' and that three traitors, the Earl of Cambridge, Lord Scroop and Sir Thomas Grey have been bought by 'the gilt of France' to plot to kill Henry. The Chorus then moves the action on to Southampton.

    What do we Learn?

    • England is unified against the French.
    • Henry is on his way to Southampton to board a ship to France.
    • The French have paid three English noblemen to kill King Henry.

    Act 2 Scene 1

    The plot moves to a tavern in London (as before) and Henry’s friends from his wilder youth. Bardolph and Nym discuss Pistol, who has married Mistress Nell Quickly, despite her being troth-plight to Nym. Pistol and Mistress Quickly enter and Nym and Pistol draw swords on each other. Bardolph urges them to be friends so they can 'be all three sworn brothers to France'. A Boy enters with news that Falstaff, Henry’s old drinking friend, is very ill. Before they leave to fight in the war, Pistol and Nym comment that although Henry is 'a good King', he has treated Falstaff badly by banishing him.

    What do we Learn?

    • Nym is not happy that Pistol has married his fiancé, Mistress Nell Quickly.
    • Henry’s old friend, Falstaff, is dying.
    • Pistol and Nym blame Henry’s abandonment of Falstaff for breaking his heart.
    • All social classes of men will fight in the war.

    Act 2 Scene 2

    Bedford, Exeter and Westmoreland discuss the three traitors and that Henry knows about them. King Henry arrives with his followers, including Cambridge, Scroop and Grey. Henry tells a story about a drunk man who insulted him and asks the three men if he should forgive him. They all advise that he should not 'wink' at small crimes or he won’t be able to punish 'capital crimes'. Henry hands the three men papers which include proof of their plot. The traitors beg for their lives but Henry reminds them of their advice. Calling Scroop in particular 'Ingrateful, savage and inhuman', even though Scroop was always one of his closest allies; Henry orders their arrest and execution. Henry claims God has revealed the traitors and thinks this a lucky sign for the war.

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry has known about the traitors for a while.
    • Henry is clever and gets the traitors to condemn themselves.
    • God’s will appears very important to Henry.

    Act 2 Scene 3

    Back at the tavern in Eastcheap, we learn that Falstaff is dead and Mistress Quickly movingly describes his death 'So a cried out, ‘God, God, God!’ three or four times.' Pistol, Bardolph and Nym say their goodbyes to Mistress Quickly and leave to fight the French 'like horse-leeches, my boys, / To suck, to suck, the very blood to suck!'

    What do we Learn?

    • Falstaff has died horribly.
    • Falstaff’s friends genuinely mourn his loss.
    • The war is having an impact on the whole country.

    Act 2 Scene 4

    The action moves to the French Court where King Charles is preparing for the English invasion. The Dauphin doesn’t believe there’s any danger but his father reminds him of France’s past defeats at the hands of the English 'And he is bred out of that bloody strain'. The Dauphin is not convinced. Exeter, Henry’s ambassador arrives and urges Charles to give up his 'borrowed' throne to Henry who is King of France by gift of heaven or he will be responsible for the bloodshed that follows. Charles promises a reply by the next day. Exeter gives a message to the Dauphin that Henry views him with 'scorn and defiance, slight regard, and contempt' and tells them that Henry is already in France.

    What do we Learn?

    • King Charles recognises that Henry as more of a threat than his son, the Dauphin, does.
    • Henry is already in France.

    Things to notice in Act 2

    • Notice how Henry deals with the three traitors: Cambridge, Scroop and Grey. Scroop in particular was always one of Henry’s closest allies, but he still orders their arrest and execution. What does this action and the language that he uses reveal about the young King?

    • Take note of the way that Bardolph, Pistol and Nym are introduced, along with Mistress Quickly. These characters are all friends of Henry’s from his youth and appear in two of Shakespeare's other plays, Henry IV Parts I and II, but what has caused them to fall out? How do they talk about Henry and what is their opinion of him? Why do you think they feel sorry for Falstaff and what has happened to him since Henry turned his back on him?

    • Note the attitudes of the French King and the Dauphin. How different is the French Court and what is their attitude towards the war and Henry’s threat? Why do you think Shakespeare shares this insight with us and what do you think he wants the audience to believe or think about the French forces?

    • Act 2 shows the preparations for war across England and in France – introducing several key groups of people. How does the French Court contrast with the English and how do Henry’s preparations for war differ from the ordinary people like Nym and the Boy? Why do you think Shakespeare shows Henry’s reaction to the traitors before he leaves for battle?

  • Act 3

    Act 3 Prologue

    The Chorus describes the sea voyage of the English Army across the Channel, inviting the audience to use their senses as they imagine 'silken streamers' and 'hempen tackle', to hear the 'shrill whistle' and feel the hot sun and 'th’invisible and creeping wind'. We learn that King Charles has replied to Henry, offering him his daughter, Katherine, and some 'petty and unprofitable dukedoms' as a dowry but Henry has refused and that English cannons have begun to 'touch' France.

    What do we Learn?

    • The English troops have arrived in France.
    • King Charles has offered Henry a peace deal and Henry has refused.
    • English cannons are firing on France.

    Act 3 Scene 1

    Henry delivers a rousing speech to urge his troops into battle 'Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more'. He uses powerful language to turn English 'modest stillness and humility' into the 'hard-favoured rage' needed in battle and calls them 'dear friends', speaking to the 'noblest English' and the 'good yeomen' as equals, ending with a rousing cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry is a powerful speaker.
    • Henry wants to appeal to men of different classes and backgrounds.

    Act 3 Scene 2

    We see Henry’s words affect the men immediately as Bardolph cries 'On, on, on, on, on! To the breach, to the breach!' but Nym tells him to wait until the battle calms down as he doesn’t want to die. The Welsh Captain Fluellen arrives and forces them to join the fighting, leaving the Boy alone onstage. The Boy gives a soliloquy about how Bardolph, Pistol and Nym are dishonest cowards and that he plans to leave them. Gower and Fluellen enter and discuss the digging of mines. They are joined by the Irish Captain, MacMorris, and Scottish Captain, Jamy. Fluellen argues in long-winded detail with MacMorris. As Gower tries to stop the row, the French sound a signal asking for the fighting to stop.

    What do we Learn?

    • The Boy wants to be a better man than Pistol, Nym and Bardolph.
    • The English allies have prejudices against each other but have united to fight the French.
    • Fluellen likes to lecture people about warfare.
    • Shakespeare contrasts Henry’s complicated verse with the prose used by ordinary men.

    Act 3 Scene 3

    At the gates of Harfleur, Henry shouts to the Governor to surrender. He threatens that his troops will show 'no mercy' if they are forced to attack. He describes the English soldiers as 'rough and hard of heart' and ready for 'heady murder, spoil and villainy'. The Governor calls back that the Dauphin has failed to defend Harfleur and therefore they surrender. Henry orders Exeter to 'use mercy' on the town.

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry can use very threatening images to get what he wants.
    • The Dauphin has failed to help defend Harfleur.
    • Henry can be merciful to the enemy if they surrender.

    Act 3 Scene 4

    We move to a more light-hearted scene in the French palace where princess Katherine asks her maid, Alice, to help her learn English. Katherine pronounces some words incorrectly; 'bilbow' for 'elbow' for example, and is shocked when some English words sound rude. 'Foot' sounds like the French word ‘fout', which translates into a very strong swear word in English.

    What do we Learn?

    • Katherine is preparing for a French defeat which means she will have to marry Henry.
    • Katherine has a close relationship with Alice.

    Act 3 Scene 5

    The King of France and his Court talk about Henry’s progress. The noblemen insult the barbarous English and their 'slobb’ry' and 'dirty' country, but admire their mettle for putting up with such 'foggy, raw and dull' weather. The Constable adds that the English Army has fewer men and are 'sick and famished in their march'. The French King orders his men into battle, telling them to take 'Harry England' prisoner.

    What do we Learn?

    • The French nobles don’t think much of the English or their country.
    • King Charles VI plans to capture Henry.
    • The English Army are weak.

    Act 3 Scene 6

    Gower and Fluellen discuss the fighting and Fluellen praises Exeter and another man he’s noticed, called 'AunchientPistol'. Pistol then enters with news that Bardolph is to be hanged for stealing. When Fluellen refuses to help, Pistol tells him to 'Die and be damned!' and leaves. Gower recognises Pistol as a thief and warns Fluellen of men like him in the army who lie about their achievements. King Henry arrives with his men. He shows no reaction to the news of the hanging of his old friend, Bardolph, and orders his execution. Montjoy, the French herald, enters with threats from King Charles. Henry sends him back with the message that, although the English Army are 'much enfeebled', they will fight on. Henry puts his fortune 'in God’s hand' and marches with his army.

    What do we Learn?

    • Bardolph is to be hanged for stealing.
    • Fluellen makes an enemy of Pistol.
    • Henry has set a rule that none of his men should steal and refuses to make any exceptions, even for an old friend.

    Act 3 Scene 7

    Impatient for morning, the Constable and Orleans compare armour and horses in their tent. The Dauphin enters, also impatient to fight. He praises his own horse, saying it is like Pegasus and he is 'a hawk'. He compares his horse to his mistress and the others tease him. A Messenger brings news that the English 'lie within fifteen hundred paces' of the French camp. The French mock Henry and his 'fat-brained followers' and boast that they will easily win. When the Dauphin leaves, the others discuss his qualities. Orleans says he is gallant, active and valiant but the Constable believes he is none of these things.

    What do we Learn?

    • The French are over-confident before battle.
    • The Constable does not think much of the Dauphin.

    Things to notice in Act 3

    • Take note of Henry’s language, both in his stirring speech to his men and also to the Governor of Herfleur after the surrender. How does his language change and how effective is he in using it? What kind of leader is Henry at this point in the play? Would you describe him as an effective leader?

    • Notice the scenes Shakespeare includes with the Dauphin and Katherine. Both of these scenes are used for comic effect, in very different ways. Why do you think these are included and what do they reveal about these two characters? What impression do you gain of Katherine, from the way she interacts with her maid Alice and the way she talks about the English language?

    • Note the different reactions to Bardolph’s arrest in Scene 6, particularly from Henry who orders his execution. How is this different from the execution of Scroop? Do you agree with Henry’s actions here and are they necessary?

    • Act 3 explores Henry’s style of leadership – he leads his men to victory at Harfleur and refuses to surrender, punishing old friends along the way and watching his troops suffer. Historically, the English troops were incredibly weak and suffering from starvation and dysentery while on campaign but how much of this can you see in the text? The battle scenes in Act 3 are broken up by more comic scenes, including an introduction to Princess Katherine. Why do you think Shakespeare does this?

  • Act 4

    Act 4 Prologue

    The Chorus describes the English camp and the 'The poor condemne`d English' on the night before the battle. We are told that the noble King Henry is visiting his soldiers, who he calls 'brothers, friends and countrymen', to give them courage for the next day’s fight.

    What do we Learn?

    • The English are worried they may lose against the French.
    • The Chorus tell us that Henry cares about his troops and how they feel.

    Act 4 Scene 1

    Henry walks through the English camp in disguise and talks to some of his men, who don’t recognise him. He meets Pistol who praises the King as a 'lovely bully' with a 'heart of gold'. Henry overhears Fluellen and Gower talking and praises Fluellen’s 'care and valour'. He then meets three common soldiers, Bates, Court and Williams, who are dreading the battle. Henry says they should be proud to fight for the King but Williams argues that ‘few die well that die in a battle’ and the King bears a responsibility for their deaths. Henry and Williams agree to continue their 'quarrel' when they meet again, and exchange gloves as a way of recognising each other. Left alone onstage, Henry tells the audience in a soliloquy that to be King is a 'hard condition'. He has 'The sword, the mace, the crown imperial' but doesn’t have peace of mind like a common man with no responsibilities. Before returning to his tent, Henry prays for his 'soldiers’ hearts', and asks God to forgive his father's crimes.

    What do we Learn?

    • Pistol respects Henry but dislikes Fluellen.
    • Henry admires Fluellen.
    • Not all the soldiers agree with Henry and some are dreading the battle.
    • Henry recognises how difficult it is to be a good King.

    Act 4 Scene 2

    We move to the enemy camp where the French are also preparing for the coming battle. The French are confident and Constable says they have ‘A very little little’ to do before ‘all is done’. The Earl of Grandpre ́reports that the English Army is in a bad way 'Big Mars seems bankrupt in their beggared host. The Dauphin jokes that maybe they should feed and clothe the English before fighting with them and they set off.

    What do we Learn?

    • The French think they will win the battle.
    • The English Army is weak.

    Act 4 Scene 3

    In the English camp, the noblemen talk about the strength of the French Army 'they have full threescore thousand of 'fresh' soldiers'. Westmorland wishes they had more men. Henry hears this and gives another rousing speech, saying that one day, they will be proud to have fought 'on Crispin's Day and that those that remain 'abed' in England will be sorry they were not part of the 'band of brothers' that shared the glory. Salisbury enters with news that the French are ready to charge, and Westmorland is now eager to fight, showing how powerful Henry’s speech has been. Before they leave, Montjoy returns with another request from the Constable for Henry to name his ransom. Henry refuses and leads his men into battle.

    What do we Learn?

    • The English soldiers are seriously outnumbered and tired.
    • Henry can inspire his soldiers, even in dark times.
    • Henry is not prepared to give in to the French.

    Act 4 Scene 4

    Pistol captures a French soldier. He can’t speak French so he gets the Boy to translate his insults. Mistaking Pistol for a nobleman, the Frenchman offers him 'two hundred crowns', which Pistol accepts. Alone, the Boy says Pistol has 'empty' heart and that both Bardolph and Nym had 'more valour, although we learn that Nym has also been hanged. The Boy returns to the camp which has been left unguarded except for servants and page boys.

    What do we Learn?

    • Pistol is more interested in making money than fighting for England.
    • The Boy thinks Pistol is a worse man than Bardolph and Nym.
    • Nym has also been hanged for stealing.
    • The English camp is being guarded by boys as all the men are fighting.

    Act 4 Scene 5

    Against all odds, the English are winning. The French nobles are alarmed and ashamed, with the Dauphin saying 'O, perdurable shame! Let’s stab ourselves.' Orleans and Bourbon are prepared to fight back 'I’ll to the throng; Let life be short, else shame will be too long.'

    What do we Learn?

    • Despite being outnumbered and tired, the English are winning. Historically, this unexpected advantage was due to the long bows the English carried that enabled them to pierce the French armour as well as poor battle conditions.
    • The French have not expected this result and thought they would win confidently.
    • In war, shame can be considered worse than death.

    Act 4 Scene 6

    Henry and Exeter discuss the fighting. They are both moved by the bravery and nobility of the English. An alarm warns them that the French are returning to the battle so Henry gives the order that all prisoners are to be killed 'The French have reinforced their scattered men. / Then every soldier kill his prisoners.'

    What do we Learn?

    • The English are described as fighting with bravery and nobility.
    • Henry is ruthless in war.

    Act 4 Scene 7

    The French have attacked the English camp and killed all the page boys. Fluellen and Gower are devastated that the French have broken the 'the law of arms'. Henry is furious and promises there will be no mercy for the French. Montjoy arrives to ask if the French can collect their dead from the battlefield. Henry asks if this means that the English have won. Montjoy says that it does and Henry praises God. Then Henry sees Williams wearing the glove he gave him as a challenge while in disguise. Williams tells Henry that the glove belongs to 'a rascal' he’s going to fight. Henry plays a practical joke on Williams. He sends him off on an errand, then gives Williams' glove to Fluellen and asks him to wear it in his cap. Henry says the glove belonged to a Frenchman and if anyone approaches Fluellen about it, it means that they're a traitor.

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry is angry that the French have killed all of the servants and page boys.
    • The English have won.
    • Henry can find humour, even in dark moments.

    Act 4 Scene 8

    Williams sees the glove in Fluellen’s cap and challenges him. Remembering what King Henry said, Fluellen accuses Williams of treachery. As they argue, Warwick and Gloucester arrive, followed by the king. Henry reveals that he was the man in disguise who Williams 'promise`d’st to strike'. Williams defends himself, saying if he’d known it was the King, he wouldn’t have spoken out. Henry fills Williams’ glove with money and asks him and Fluellen to be friends. The Herald brings news of those killed in battle. The French have lost 'Full fifteen hundred, besides common men'. The English have lost only twenty-nine. Henry sees this as God’s work and leads his men in a procession through the village before returning to England.

    What do we Learn?

    • The French have lost many noblemen and knights.
    • The English have fought unbelievably well.
    • Henry believes God helped him to win.

    Things to Notice in Act 4

    • Notice how Henry and Williams talk to each other when King Henry disguises himself and visits his troops before the battle of Agincourt. Williams thinks the King is responsible for everyone who dies. How does Henry react to this and does he agree or disagree? Does this change throughout Act 4 and how do all Henry’s interactions with the soldiers affect him? He later makes a speech to rouse the men, when they learn how outnumbered they are. How is this different from his previous speeches to the troops?

    • Note how the Boy is used in Act 4, first in his scene with Pistol and then in his return to camp with the other page boys and servants, who are all killed by the French. How does Shakespeare use the scene with Pistol, and previous scenes, to create sympathy for the Boy? How do you react when he is killed? This scene comes immediately after Henry has ordered the murder of all French prisoners. Why do you think Shakespeare does this and what is the impact of it?

    • Notice the way in which the commanders and leaders on both sides react to the defeat of the French. Henry and Exeter discuss their losses and Exeter admits crying over several important figures who died, while the French are terrified and forced to surrender. We also see Williams mistaking Fluellen for the King in disguise and challenging him. Why do you think Act 4 ends with this acknowledgement and what does Henry’s response to Williams show you about his attitude towards the man and his soldiers? How has it changed?

    • Act 4 shows preparations for the battle at Agincourt and the English Army’s unexpected victory –. Historically, the English troops were incredibly weak and suffering from starvation and dysentery while on campaign but how much of this can you see in the text? The battle scenes in Act 3 are broken up by more comic scenes, including an introduction to Princess Katherine. Why do you think Shakespeare does this?

  • Act 5

    Act 5 Prologue

    The Chorus tells the story of Henry’s return to England and describes the crowds waiting on 'the English beach' to greet the armies. We learn how popular Henry is with the people and that he refused to parade through the streets of London with his battered armour and sword because he is 'free from vainness and self-glorious pride'. The Chorus says that the Holy Roman Emperor made a trip to England to try to arrange peace between England and France but that Henry has now returned to France.

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry is hugely popular with the people of England.
    • Henry chose not to appear in public as a figure of war.
    • Time has passed and Henry is returning to France.

    Act 5 Scene 1

    In France, Gower wonders why Fluellen is still wearing a leek, as Saint Davy's Day is past. Fluellen explains that Pistol insulted him in public and he wants revenge. Pistol enters and Fluellen tells him to eat the leek. Pistol refuses and they fight until he does. Now Pistol wants revenge. Gower warns him that just because Fluellen 'could not speak English in the native garb, he could not therefore handle an English cudgel. Pistol is left alone onstage.

    What do we Learn?

    • Pistol is no match for Fluellen.
    • Pistol is the last survivor of the Eastcheapers.
    • Pistol will return to a life of crime.

    Act 5 Scene 2

    At the palace, the French and English discuss the peace treaty. Henry says there will only be peace if France agrees to England’s 'just demands'. He sends his noblemen to discuss these with the French King. The French Queen, Isabel, goes with them, saying 'a woman’s voice may do some good'. Henry asks that Princess Katherine stays behind with him as she is the 'capital demand' on his list. Henry can’t speak much French but tries to woo Katherine with the help of Alice. He calls himself a 'plain king' who 'cannot look greenly nor gasp out my eloquence' but tells her he loves her and asks if she can love him back. The French and and English nobility return and the peace treaty is made: Henry will marry Katherine and is named the French King’s son and heir to the throne of France. Queen Isabel blesses the 'marriage' of the two countries and all hope for a peaceful future.

    What do we Learn?

    • Henry is in control of the peace agreement.
    • The French King and Queen are happy to make Henry their heir.
    • Even though Katherine has to marry him, it seems it’s important to Henry that she loves him.

    Things to Notice in Act 5

    • Take note of the way the Chorus describes Henry’s victorious return. What reasons does Henry offer for not parading through the country and why do you think Shakespeare includes this detail? How might his audiences have reacted to this, in the period c. 1599? There were several military campaigns against Ireland and Spain being waged at this stage, and the Chorus directly refers to Essex. Why do you think this is included and what does it remind us of? Why break up a ‘historical’ play with contemporary references?

    • Notice Pistol’s interaction with Fluellen, where Fluellen forces him to eat his leek. What does this scene reveal about the two characters? The Boy claimed Pistol was worse than both Bardolph and Nym, and yet we see him survive. Is it satisfying to see Fluellen get revenge? What is the significance of the leek and why do you think Shakespeare brings in the Welsh captain, along with the Scottish and Irish captains earlier in the play? What is the significance of their presence, along with Gower?

    • Note how Henry speaks to Katherine when they meet and how she reacts to him. How do you respond to the idea of them marrying and why? Katherine is keen to keep her distance at first because she is used to a lot of rules, but Henry is confident enough to tell her they will make their own rules. Why do you think this is the place Shakespeare chooses to end the play, and bring in the Chorus to deliver an epilogue?

    • Act 5 deals with the aftermath of Henry’s victory against the French – showing Henry negotiating with the French and wooing Katherine. The Chorus appears twice in this act, as a reminder of the narrative voice that has carried through the entire play. Take another look at all the appearances of the Chorus and the prologues to each act, along with the epilogue in Act 5 and consider this role. Why do you think Shakespeare uses this character and how much a part of the action should they be in Act 5 Scene 2?