Guidelines for digital styling and introduction to CSS and JS assets
The site is built 'Mobile First', with the following breakpoints:
- Small - 480px
- Smadium - 600px
- Medium - 790px
- Large - 1024px
- Extra Large - 1440px
SCSS Table of Contents
We use SCSS (with Compass and Susy) to construct the CSS. All files are contained in a GIT repository, please contact IT Software Development for access.
There are two SCSS files with their own partials: styles.scss & shop.scss. Both files have their own -IE10 alternatives: ie.scss & shop-ie.scss. All processed CSS files are min'd manually.
For the Select Your Own Seat portion of the ticket buying process there is a separate vanilla CSS file called syos.css. This formatted differently from the other stylesheets and so is kept out of the SCSS workflow.
Styles.scss Partials
- _variables
- _mixins
- _base
- _global
- _layout
- _whatson
- _modules
- _simplebar
- _photoswipe
1. Variables
- Breakpoints
- Max Widths
- Margins + Spacing
- Colours
- Fonts
- Font Sizes
- Borders
- Letter Spacing
- Animation + Transitions speeds
- Animations
- (Baremetrics variables)
2. Mixins
- image-2x
- (Baremetrics) Strip unit
- (Baremetrics) Convert to REM
- (Baremetrics) REM
- Old IE
3. Base
- Font Setup
- Border Box
- Susy Grid Layout
- Body Setup + extra classes
- Headings + general headline/subtitle settings
- Icons
- Buttons, Links + Button Links
- Notices, Highlights
- Paragraphs, Captions + Font Styles (including some helper classes, centered copy etc)
- Images
- Background Colours
- Helper Classes
- Animations
4. Global
Burger Menu
- Header (including Login & Search)(has experimental header layout included but not used)
- Nav
- Sub Nav
- Child/Parent based positioning for Sub Nav
Search Box
- Search Buttons
- Footer
- Ticket Timer
5. Layout
- Main Container
Articles, Headers + Section
Hero/Main Image - Homepage, Section Hubs + Play Hub
- Main Image + Hero Image, all templates
- Homepage Section Intros (Hide Image, smaller sizes)
- Hero Images for Homepage + Section Hubs
- Video/Link Hero Image
Play Hub Header
- Right Side Menu
- Main Play Hub image
Default Header
Media Header
Main Container General Classes + Styles
- Copy + content styles
Figure + Video Captions
- Photo Credits
- Grid Example Classes (instructions in SASS for where these classes are to be used)
- Grid Layouts
Grid Helper Classes, Widget & Widget Containers
6. What's On
- Header setup styles
- Questions + Filters
- Questions Transport
- Filter Search Indicators
- Apply Filters
- Extra Questions (In cinemas, Search) + Filters
- Results Wrapper + Inner
- What’s On Grid Item
- View Selector Button
- Calendar View
7. Modules
- Search Results
- Video Holders
- Performance Lists
- Floating Menu
- Close Buttons + Dialog UI Close Buttons
- Cookies Bar & Info Pop Up
- Title Treatments
- Breadcrumbs
- Forms etc
- Basket + Tessitura Forms
- There is a branch of the Git with a new updated Basket. Need to co-ordinate with IT to change this over
- Kendo Styling
- Extra Button/Checkbox styling
- Intro Boilerplate (May not be used)
- Quick Links
- Loading Animation
- Page Section Headers + Search Result Headers
- More + Less Buttons
- Priority Booking messages
- Social Sharing box
- On Tour + In Cinemas in Play Hubs
- Sponsors Logo
- Blogs Extra Styling
- JQuery Dialog UI
- Pikaday Calendar
- Banner LinksGalleries - Cast & Creative + Inline Galleries
- Slick Slider - Legacy, needs to be deleted when new galleries implemented
- Next + Prev Buttons - Legacy, needs to be deleted when new galleries implemented
- Cast & Creative Widget - Legacy, needs to be redesigned
- Cast Profile - Legacy, needs to be redesigned
- Cast Thumbnails - Legacy, needs to be redesigned
- Creatives - Legacy, needs to be redesigned
- Gallery Launcher
- Gallery Widget - Legacy, needs to be deleted when new galleries implemented
- Events Hub List Widget
- Sitefinity Resets
- Mix Blend Mode Fallbacks
Shop.scss Partials
- _shopstyles
1. Shopstyles
- Greedy Nav
- Shop Page Article, Initial Layout
- Shop Header
- Product Container + Elements
- Hero Containers
- Listing Containers
- Shop Featured Item
- In Focus Item
- Banner
- Footer
- Cart
Javascript, Table of Contents
The JS is broken into 6 files before being uglified and min'd. All files are contained in a GIT repository, please contact IT Software Development for access.
- main.js
- base-template.js
- play-hub.js
- whatson.js
- CAB_cast.js - Delete when new Cast Widget is designed + deployed
- CAB_gallery.js - Delete when new Gallery Widget is deployed
1. Main
- Global Variables
- Setup vars
- Play Hub vars
- What's On vars
- Base Template vars
- Module vars
On Load
- Initial + Resizing (layouts and resets)
- Photoswipe setup (new galleries)
- Adding Modernizr Test for Mix Blend Mode
- Homepage QuickLinks Reveal
- ShowHidden setup
- Nav Functions
- Info Pop Up (Cookies) Set Up
- Search Functions
- Form Calendars
- Education Resource
- FAQ Contact Form Reveal
- What’s On Functions, inc Pikaday Calendars
- Horizontal Scrollers
- Play Hub Functions
- Hero Video Functions
- Performance List Filtering, inc Pikaday Calendars
- Social Sharing
- Conditional Forms
Global Functions
- Expandable Modules Functions
- Horizontal Scroll Functions
- Show/Hide Function
- Query String Variables
- Break point setting
- Resize videos
- Play youtube video
- Touch Device testing
- Array Adding
- Info PopUp functions
- Photoswipe
- Conditional Forms (Vis Comms Request Form)
2. Base Template
- Sub Nav Toggle
- Global Search Toggle
- Education Resources Search Link
3. Play Hub
- Performance List Filters
- Compare Dates
4. What's On
- Open What’s On Question
- Close Question
GimmeGo (scroll window)
- Grid Item Click + Expand Function
- Update What’s On Link
- Show Grid/Calendar View
- Calendar Functions, animation
5. Cast & 6. Gallery
Scripts by external supplier to control image, multimedia and cast & creative galleries. These are being replaced by Photoswipe.
3rd Party Javascript Plugins
We use a number of plugins for various purposes across the site. On the live site these are included in either header.js or footer.js
- JQuery 1.11.3
- JQuery UI
- Greensock
- TweenLite
- CSS Plugin
- EasePack
- Magnific Popup (Used in shop but should be gotten rid of)
- Sharrre (Social Sharing)
- Photoswipe & Photoswipe UI (RSC template by Andrew O'Regan)
- Pikaday & Pikaday Responsive (Calendars)
- Simplebar (Scrollbars across the site, needs to be updated)
- SlickSlider (Old Galleries, needs to be removed from the site)
- Modernizr & RespondJS