Five days in Stratford-upon-Avon developing performance skills at our Young Performers' Summer School

Circus Skills workshop_ May 2024_2024_Photo by Lucy Barriball _c_ RSC_375339

About the 8-11 Young Performers' Summer School

Develop your acting skills across a week of workshops with RSC Actors and Directors. Create and rehearse your own versions of Shakespeare monologues and scenes whilst learning acting, speaking and movement techniques from RSC practitioners. At the end of the week there will be a sharing for parents and guardians to attend.

Open to all young people with an enthusiasm for theatre, performing or creative writing. 


Ideal for: Anyone aged 8-11

Date: 11-15 August 2025

Times: 10am-4pm daily

Cost: £270

A sibling discount can be applied. £270 for your first child, £220 for an additional sibling booking. 

Venue: Clore Learning Centre, Stratford-upon-Avon

Catering: Participants will be asked to bring their own lunch. 

Queries: If you have any queries regarding the 8-11 Summer School including Access requirements or suitability for your young person please contact us at

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We uphold the principle that the welfare of children and adults at risk is paramount, and that all children and adults have the right to protection from abuse and neglect. Our Safeguarding Children Policy and Code of Conduct was established with advice from the NSPCC. See our safeguarding policies

The work of the RSC Creative Learning and Engagement team is supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, GRoW @ Annenberg, The Polonsky Foundation, The Thompson Family Charitable Trust and other generous supporters.