This pack supports the RSC’s 2024 First Encounters production of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Philip J Morris.

The activities provided in this pack are specifically designed to support primary students attending the performance and studying Romeo and Juliet in school but all activities can be adapted for learners of different ages and abilities. These activities aim to help students explore some important features of the text and production using the RSC’s rehearsal processes. There are some secondary school alternatives and extensions included at the end of some activities.

Download a PDF version of this Teacher Pack in full: Romeo and Juliet Teacher Pack 2024

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About the production 

This 2024 touring version of Romeo and Juliet is one of our First Encounters productions and sets the star-crossed lovers in a modern, recognisable world. The key theme is impulsiveness: decisions made in the moment by all characters, young and old, and how tragedy can arise from finding permanent solutions to temporary problems. Directed by Philip J Morris and edited by Robin Belfield, it is an interpretation for our time, closely examining the nature and behaviour of young people and the pressures they face in a fast-moving culture. The links below offer guidance on some of the more serious issues involved in this production and pack.

Exploring the story of Romeo and Juliet

  • Synopsis

  • Activity 1: News Flash

  • Activity 2: Cartoon Strips

Exploring the Characters

  • ACTIVITY 3: Fighting Talk

  • Activity 4: Diary Entries

Exploring the Themes

  • ACTIVITY 5: Party Crashers

  • ACTIVITY 6: Broken Family.

  • ACTIVITY 7: Love and Despair

  • ACTIVITY 8: Magic Time Switch