If you have registered for our Schools' Broadcast and are preparing for the event there are some requirements you will need to be aware of.

Photo by Lucy Barriball © RSC Browse and license our images

When registering for any of our broadcasts, you will be contacted with a link. This link is where you will find all supporting resources and be able to access the events when they become available on demand.

Due to licensing, we ask that you do not share this link with others outside your school. If other schools do wish to participate, they can register here. If you are sharing with individual students who are learning at home, please ask them to do the same.

The following technical recommendations relate to all of our broadcasts, which will be broadcast via Vimeo.

Schools Broadcast Set Up

  • Using Vimeo

  • Buffering and Quality

  • How to Watch

Broadcast recommendations

If you are watching in school, we recommend that the broadcast is viewed on one large screen per classroom of up to 30 students, or in a school hall/performance space for larger groups. Please bear in mind that using multiple screens at the same time will use up more of your school's bandwidth and may result in buffering.

Our upcoming broadcasts will be available to watch over a period of a few days, so that you can either watch the broadcast in full in one session or you can watch the broadcast in parts. 

If your students are watching remotely or are watching on personal devises, we recommend each participant checks this set up advice above. 

If you have any questions please email schoolsbroadcast@rsc.org.uk