There are two sections to this next exercise:
1. Status Lines – looking at where different characters within the Montague and Capulet household place themselves on a status line. Where do the points of conflict occur? Who has the highest status Montagues or Capulets? Where are the women? Where is the nurse?
2. Family photos – Staying in the same groups students are asked to create two family photos, one for a tabloid magazine and one taken by the paparazzi, showing what the relationships in the household are really like. These are compared and interrogated. What do we discover about the world of the play? What do we discover about the relationships in the play? Where are the conflicts, tensions?
You will need the Character Facts Resource.
Divide the group into 2 groups.
Hand each student a character card (found in resources).
Ask students to quickly read the information about their character to another person. They must then make a decision about the status of that character in the play (how important they are).
Ask each group to work separately and put their character into a status line with the character who has the highest status at one end and the person with the lowest status at the other end.
The two groups stand in a line and face each other so you can compare their choices.
Ask the two groups to now divide themselves into the Montagues and the Capulet households. (The Prince and Paris may choose which household to go to).
Each group has five minutes to create two family photos, one for Hello Magazine (how the family want to be seen) and the other, a snapshot taken by the Paparazzi, showing what relationships in the household are really like.
How does introducing plot and character in these ways differ from reading the text cold?
What difference might this approach make to pupil motivation?
What kinds of understanding do we start to build?
When pupils work together in this way, what are the learning opportunities? What are the risks?
What do students know now and what do they need to know? How might this ‘need to know’ influence their learning?
Working through the play as an ensemble means finding a collaborative understanding which is mutually supportive and unique to that group of students.