The story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream as re-lived through the fevered dreams of Shakespeare’s most neglected fairy.
About Tim Crouch
Tim is a playwright, director and theatre-maker. He was an actor before starting to write and he still performs in much of his work. His plays include My Arm, ENGLAND (a play for galleries), An Oak Tree, The Author, Adler & Gibb, Beginners, Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation, and Truth’s a Dog Must to Kennel and Toto Kerblammo!.
Tim also writes for younger audiences. A series of plays inspired by Shakespeare’s lesser characters includes I, Caliban, I, Banquo and I, Malvolio which played at Shakespeare's Globe in 2023. For the RSC Tim has directed The Taming of the Shrew, King Lear and I, Cinna (the Poet) – all for young audiences.
Directing credits include Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore for the Unicorn Theatre, London, The Complete Deaths for Spymonkey and Peat for The Ark, Dublin. Tim created and co-wrote Don’t Forget the Driver, a six-part series for BBC2 which won Best TV comedy at the 2019 Venice TV Awards.
Listen to Tim Crouch
You can listen to playwright Nina Segal talking to Tim Crouch for our Interval Drinks podcast, below.
The Interval Drinks podcast is also available where you get your podcasts from - just search 'RSC Interval Drinks'.