Background to the fund.

Many decades ago, the RSC was given a gift to establish The Theatrical Professional Relief Fund (the “Relief Fund”). The fund is to be used to ‘assist and relieve poor and necessitous persons who are either members of the theatrical profession or are, or have been, employees of, or have done service for, the Corporation’.

Before the Covid 19 pandemic, the RSC has used the Relief Fund on an ad-hoc basis, whenever the company has become aware of the needs of employees or former employees who have found themselves in hardship. From May 2020 to June 2021, across five waves, the Relief Fund was used to provide short term financial support to company members and associates who were experiencing hardship due to the pandemic. This was conducted via an application process and was open to all those who work for the company and the funds have now been allocated and distributed. There are therefore no more planned waves for the Relief Fund. 

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